Pasutre Raised Chicken and Duck Eggs
During the warmer months, our chickens and Khaki Campbell ducks live on the pasture in our home made chicken tractors.
These coops are made with perches and nesting boxes, but are still small enough to easily drag around the pasture.
The benefits for them are that they have access to new pasture twice daily, and are kept safe from any lurking predators. The benefit to us is that they do a great job keeping down the numbers of flies while simultaneously fertilizing our pastures.
During the winter months we keep them safe from the weather and give them access to the outdoors when possible on sunny days.
The ladies are producing lots of eggs these days, in various sizes, shapes, and colours. Please contact us to arrange pick up. Price is $5/dozen
We have fewer duck eggs than chicken eggs, but do have a regular supply. If you are interested in duck eggs, please let us know and we can make arrangements. Price $6/dozen